Well, consider this to be opportunity knocking...

Well, consider this to be opportunity knocking...

No more hopping from one diet plan to the next looking for the solution to all your problems. It's not out there. It starts with you. It starts with balance. Let's tackle this together.

Are you ready for a change?

Say no more! 
I'm in!

I'm Andrea, and I'm glad you're here.

I've been where you are, and I've figured out how to break free from the cultural noise about bodies, weight, and health.
It's simpler than you think.

more about me

Hey there!

But I learned how to tune out the noise.

For most of my life I struggled with body image and weight. I was suffering physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, until eventually I cracked.
When I finally found a moment of stillness, I found perspective, and I realized that what I was doing wasn't working and it never would.  Everything about the standard approach to weight and health is wrong. It's not a simple equation of calories, and what you need is not discipline or motivation to meet the cultural ideal.
What really matters is your ideal. What do you want? What is it that your body, mind, heart, and soul are crying out for?
That's where your answers lie.

I've found my path, and I want to help you find yours, too.

my journey started a lot like yours

Find a Deeper Well

Give me three months, and I'll hold the space for you to take a deep dive into what you really want and help you figure out how to get there. This isn't about losing 30 pounds or fitting into a dress or looking amazing in your bathing suit for that vacation you've got coming up. This is about why you want those things in the first place and how you can best support your body to be the sacred container for your soul. I want you to focus on feeling the way you want to feel, and your body will figure out for itself what size it needs to be, not the other way around.

Am I speaking your language?

work with me!

This approach isn't for everyone, but it might be for you if...

This approach isn't for everyone, but it might be for you if...

You've tried diet and exercise programs in the past, hoping that changing your body would change how you feel about it... except it didn't.

You think your options are to either get totally wrapped up in your appearance or just accept feeling terrible. You wish there was a third choice.

You keep getting stuck in a cycle of "buckling down" and getting serious, only to get frustrated and wind up feeling that uncomfortable mix of panic, fear, and shame.

You secretly wish you felt like your body really was your sacred vessel, even though you roll your eyes whenever someone says that.

I get it.

I tried all the usual things, too.

And the harder I pushed, the more disciplined I tried to be, the deeper and deeper I fell into a downward spiral of feeling utterly awful physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Eventually I just couldn't do it anymore. I knew there had to be a better way and I vowed to find it.

i broke the cycle and found a deeper well, 
and you can too.

We'll start by getting clear on what it is you actually want, then we'll take an honest assessment of where you are and what's standing in the way of you having what you really want. Having the courage to look at what you don't want to look at just might be the hardest piece of the puzzle.

If you participate in modern society at all, there's a good chance you're exhausted and what you really need is a good, long rest. And we already know that pushing harder isn't working, right? We're going to shift the focus to doing what restores your body, mind, heart, and soul, whether that involves solo dance parties, naptime, puppies, or whatever fills your cup.

So what exactly will we work on?

Finding Clarity

Slowing Down



I'll stick with you as long as you want to support you in integrating everything you've discovered about yourself. This might be the last few weeks of our three months together, or you might want to keep going for a few more sessions. You'll know what you need when we get there.



We'll look at your relationship with things like movement and food and explore how to start making changes from a place of love, peace, and self-acceptance. There is no rush, no deadline, and we won't change anything at all until you're ready to.

Taking Action



How much richer could your life be if you felt really good in your body? What if we all felt really good in our bodies? How would that change how we treat each other? What could the world be like if we all could be so balanced and grounded that we could really listened to each other? Would there still be so much fear and divisiveness and violence in the world?
Probably not. Just sayin'.

Consider this: Every human experience you have happens in your body. Your capacity to love, to have patience with difficult situations and compassion for the people around you... it all happens in your physical body.

climbing onto my hippie soapbox...

It starts with you.

Respecting and honoring your body in a way that feels loving and authentic.

By the end of our time together,

Feeling better in your body, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally.

here's what you can expect:

Breaking free from the stranglehold that diet culture has on so many of us.

A feeling of peace that comes from trusting the wisdom of your body.

A deeper understanding of what your body really needs and how to get it.

Yes, I'm in!

How It Works

When you click the button to purchase, you'll be asked to answer a few quick questions before you get to the checkout page.

choose a plan

Once you've completed your purchase, you'll need to follow the link to create an account to access your Client Dashboard. This is where all of our communication will take place.

create an account

In your Client Dashboard, you'll find all the instructions, links, and reminders you'll need to book your appointments and prepare for your sessions.

book your session

Here's what I bring to
the table:

extensive knowledge of food

I met my husband while I was working as a cook. I attended culinary school and cooked professionally for almost a decade before becoming a full-time parent. I know how to prep and properly store food, whether for my family of three or dinner service for hundreds. I know how to adapt recipes for a variety of dietary needs and preferences, including allergies and sensitivities. And yes, I do know how to make it taste good. ;)
But I also have a lot of knowledge about where food comes from and how to grow it, whether it's from the grocery store or your backyard garden. And as a health coach, I am also a certified holistic nutritionist, so I know what makes up the food we eat as well as what our bodies do with it when we eat it. I can help you address whatever your challenges with food might be.

30 years of experience using natural and alternative medicine

I was introduced to alternative medicine as a child. My grandmother nearly died from skin cancer in the '80s, back when conventional medicine was limited in their understanding of and ability to treat cancer. When her doctors had run out of options, she sought alternative solutions through diet, supplements, and homeopathy, and she lived another 20 healthy, active years.

I grew up taking antibiotics for infections, as well as herbs and homeopathic remedies for colds and flus. It was always very clear to me all of these systems of healing could coexist because they all serve different purposes. Integrating these different modalities is just a way of life for me. 

a lifetime of spiritual seeking

Among the people I know, I'm perhaps best known for my interest in and experience with all things "witchy." I'm the one who always knows what sign and phase the moon is in, and when Mercury is going retrograde. Want to discuss crystals, tarot, Eastern philosophy, or Celtic goddesses? I'm your girl.

I try my best to live in harmony with the natural cycles of the seasons, the moon, and the planets and stars. Everything in the known universe operates in cycles of brilliantly organized chaos. We often make our own lives so unnecessarily difficult by insisting on order, perfection, and linear progress. I say, why not lean into the chaos and trust that the universe is infinitely smarter than I am? 

This is a journey back to you, looking to the wisest part of yourself for guidance.

And I have a wide variety of tools that we can use along the way. But this is about you and what you need, so each session will be tailored specifically to you, your needs, and your comfort level.

This is for you if:

you know that what you've been doing
isn't working

you're looking for a quick fix

you're look for real and lasting transformation

you want detailed diet and exercise plans

you're ready to do the deeper work

It's probably not for you if...

you have zero tolerance for anything too new age-y or woo-woo. 

I am not a licensed therapist. I do not diagnose or treat any specific mental health conditions.

I am not a medical professional. I do not diagnose or treat any specific medical conditions.

As a coach, my job is only to help you clarify what you want and support you in achieving your goals however I can.

I will never ask you to do anything that you are not comfortable with, and I will never push you to go deeper into anything that you aren't okay with.

I do not offer refunds. I want you to be 100% committed to showing up and doing the work.

You will get out of this experience what you put into it. I cannot guarantee any specific results.

Stuff You Should Know

book now

Do you offer a free consultation?

No. If you're on the fence, I would recommend booking a single session with me. If you decide you want to go all in on a package, I'll just add on five more sessions and apply the payment for your single session to the package price. If you're looking for free resources, check out my podcast, sign up for my weekly newsletter, or follow me on Instagram.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you just tell me what to eat or what exercises to do?

Nope, sorry. That's exactly what I've found doesn't work. Besides, the role of a coach is to lead you on a journey of self-discovery. My goal is to help you learn to tune in and trust yourself to guide you to the next step to take. 

I lost/didn't get a confirmation email. What should I do?

Email me at support@andreabaader.com, and we'll get you sorted out.

When are you available?

Appointment times are Monday through Friday, between 11:00 AM and 6:00 PM, US Eastern time. If this absolutely won't work for you, email me at support@andreabaader.com and I'll see if we can work something out.

How often will we meet?

I recommend meeting every other week. This gives you time to implement and experiment with what you learned in your session. If you need extra support, we could meet weekly, but know that meeting more frequently won't necessarily bring results more quickly. The work still takes time. 

What if I need to reschedule a session?

Send me a message through your Client Dashboard as soon as possible, or email me at support@andreabaader.com, and I will do my best to find a new time. Please refer to your Client Agreement for more details on rescheduling.

Will my sessions expire if I don't use them?

Yes. If you purchase a single session, it needs to be used within 60 days of purchase. If you purchase a three-month package, all six sessions need to be redeemed within six months of the initial purchase.

send me a message

No worries! I'm happy to address any concerns you have. Just email me at hello@andreabaader.com or click the button below and fill out the form.

still have questions?


Follow me on IG!


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