Hi! I'm Andrea.

I don't have a list of credentials that make me an expert in anything.

What I do have is a lifetime of experience that has given me insight, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of, well, everything.

a little background

I never really felt like there was a clear path for me in life. 

I went to college to study music-- piano and vocal performance specifically. But the universe intervened and put me on a different path, so I went to culinary school and spent several years cooking for a living. During that time I was fortunate enough to meet my soul mate, who is now my husband.
I left kitchens behind when our son was born and spent the next decade or so as a full-time parent, which turned out to be a grueling journey of self-discovery, emotional healing, and remembering who I am-- the "weird but cool" chick who hugs trees, keeps track of the moon and stars, and honors her intuition above all else.

The struggle for peace

In 2019, I decided to become certified as a holistic health coach.

And when I finally finished in 2021, I knew immediately that I didn't want to be yet another woman in yoga pants telling people to eat kale and drink smoothies. That stuff wasn't really what had made the difference for me, anyway.
I had struggled with crippling anxiety, severe depression, and multiple eating disorders. I quit smoking without a single craving. I overcame fears I'd had for decades. I let go of physical and emotional clutter I'd been carrying for years. I lost 120 pounds with what felt like very little effort, once I figured out the root cause. 
I continue to have a relationship with that soul mate I met over 20 years ago that keeps getting deeper and richer and more connected as we both individually get more grounded in our own centers. 
None of this was about what I ate or how I moved or what supplements I took. It was about listening to my body, mind, heart, and soul, and having the courage to give myself what I truly needed to thrive.

And that made all the difference.

Top - family bike ride; left - cranky old Oscar, my BFF for 17 years; right - date night!

official bio, or whatever

Andrea is holistic health coach with over 30 years of personal experience with cyclical living, alternative medicine, nutrition, reading tarot, and astrology. She lives in Dayton, Ohio with her husband and their son.

Fun Facts
About Me

Totally random stuff


Hair bands from the '80s will always be my jam.


My favorite superhero? Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


I've had a lifelong love for dinosaurs. Seriously, like, Jurassic Park made me cry.


Back in the early 2000s, I was a tarot reader for a psychic hotline.

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